Spliced Connector: Winter 2024 Exhibition - Homing on Artsy
to Jun 5

Spliced Connector: Winter 2024 Exhibition - Homing on Artsy


The work in this exhibition embraces the potential of visual language to offer homing, to beckon us in that direction. It is a collection of voices that understand the velvet bridge we all wish to walk on. This work enables homing, supports it, and assists in its manifestation.

Dark Temple © Donnelly Marks 2024

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Odetta Gallery | Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue? curated by Ellen Hackl Fagan
to Oct 31

Odetta Gallery | Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue? curated by Ellen Hackl Fagan

  • Google Calendar ICS

“Barnett Newman’s Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue, created in 1966, was a challenge in response to Edward Albee’s play Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Albee, in turn, was responding to the song Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf from a Walt Disney cartoon in the early 1930s. While fear is a constant when approaching new concepts in art, I regularly confront Newman’s challenge when entering a new studio space. To familiarize myself with a new environment, I often step outside of my current series to create a related series of paintings using red, yellow, blue, and black. This practice helps alleviate any fears about the new space and allows me to get into the painting groove more effectively.

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2024 Metamorphosis: Recycled, Repurposed, Reimagined
to Apr 21

2024 Metamorphosis: Recycled, Repurposed, Reimagined

  • Ann Marie Sculpture Center & Smithsonian affiliate (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Juror’s Statement

Juror's Statement:

"As an exhibition developer at a natural history museum and a frequent art museum goer, I am an enthusiastic advocate for the power of creativity and all forms of creative expression. Art feeds my personal and professional hunger to discover new ways of being human on a changing planet. Art helps us appreciate diverse, new perspectives and with new eyes come new ways of seeing and being the world. I accepted the invitation to jury Metamorphosis: Recycled, Repurposed, Reimagined because art museums including the Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Art Center have been inspiring trailblazers in engaging diverse audiences to critically reflect, discuss, and respond to challenging contemporary issues including climate change and our relationship with the environment.

The depth of impressive submissions made selecting the artworks for Metamorphosis both a difficult and wonderful opportunity. Pieces reflected the broad, complex emotional landscape evoked when we consider our individual and communal relationships to the material world, the natural world, and the climate crisis. From humor and love to grief and anger, the materiality, execution, and vision of the final selected pieces best exemplified the Metamorphosis call to act – to see this current moment of change as an opportunity and an invitation to live lighter and more sustainably. Like the call and response of birds, the selected pieces powerfully document artists responses to the question – how can we live better in a world overrun with too much stuff? I am grateful for their reminder that nature and art remain a constant source of possibility and hope even in times of profound change."

-Siobhan Starrs
Exhibition Developer and Sustainability Champion
National Museum of Natural History, The Smithsonian Institution

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Spliced Connector: Winter 2023 Exhibition - Into Wildness
to May 30

Spliced Connector: Winter 2023 Exhibition - Into Wildness

Press Release

"There is a human wildness held beneath the skin that finds all barriers brutishly unbearable." -Jim Harrison

In this world there is a tumbling of matter and spirit, which makes for wildness. This tumbling makes space for places thought carries us to, in consideration of the roiling change we live with.

There are many different ideas about what wildness is. Something untethered; irrationality, extreme emotional engagement. Letting loose. Stochastic. The implication is that something which is wild is untamed, and untamable.

Entering a woods that is untended we may pause as we try to pick out a pathway, or decide where our footsteps will permit forward motion. An abandoned garden may have that look, too: the wildness of 6' weeds interspersed with a delicate rose bloom, an impenetrable morass of growth. The wild creatures from tiny to big that inhabit this Earth are wary of us, as we are wary of them. Wildness has a thorough otherness to it that we rarely bring close.

Wildness is our own judgmental label for the otherness of the living world. As we study the plants and animals, bacteria, mycorrhizal networks, wildness is diffused, and we come to recognize, come to know wild things to the point of familiarity. If we could access our own gut systems and witness the wild biomes present there, digesting our food, sieving nutrients from fiber, we might recoil, or turn away in disbelief. Wildness is inside of us, deeply influencing our thoughts, choices, and daily routines.

Wildness often brings us to a sense of wonder. These works are meant to do that; to help us engage with our curiosity, and our imagination. In that way, wildness enables our renewed attachment to our physical presence within our world.

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Queens Rising 2023 Open Studios
to Jun 25

Queens Rising 2023 Open Studios

Join us June 22 – 25, 2023 for an Open Studio Event!

I will be showing four limited edition photographic prints and one sculpture.

We will be open:

  • Thursday, June 22, for a VIP preview, 6 – 8pm

  • Thursday, June 22, for a VIP preview, 6 – 8pm

  • Friday, June 23, 3 – 7pm

  • Saturday, June 24, 11am – 7pm

  • Sunday, June 25, 11am – 5pm

8 guest artists will be featured:

  • Deborah Barlow

  • Heather Cox

  • John Cox

  • Alison Cuomo

  • Donnelly Marks

  • Cinzia Meneghello

  • Vicky Stein

  • Linda Tharp

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to Dec 1

Sense Making curated by Karen Fitzgerald: live on Artsy June 2023

If architecture is a kind of “image making” these constructions with their complex space, deep shadows, felt textures and human references are art as architecture creating an image.

Exhibition goes live on Artsy June 1, 2023 with Spliced Connector.

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12:55 AM00:55

2024 Long Island City Arts Festival & Open Studios coming May

  • Previously Known as Wills Factory Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The studio is Open 5/20 and 5/21 from 12 - 5 p.m., showing an eclectic mix of sculpture, photography plus an installation of over 100 photographs taken daily over the part 2 years: Visual Diary Installation.

For festival weekend only, prints can be ordered from the installation for $100. They are a limited edition of 6 printed with permanent ink on watercolor paper.

Donnelly Marks installation of abstract artworks for Long Island City Open Studios

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to May 31

A Visual Diary Photographic Installation

  • 43-01 21st Street Long Island City, New York 11101 USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A visual diary using still life photographs inspired by Art Brut and art of the imperfect. Crushed and painted cardboard never looked more humane.

On view at 43-01 21st Street by appointment and during Open Studios 2023 on May 20th and 21st from 12PM to 5PM.

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to Apr 28

Luminous Elsewheres

Welcome to Luminous Elsewheres!

Information about the exhibit and events happening in concert with the show will be added here over the next few months. Keep in touch.


March 31 – April 28, 2023

Westbeth Gallery

55 Bethune Street at Washington Street, New York, NY 10014

Exhibit hours:

Wednesday through Sunday, 1-6pm

Opening reception: Friday March 31, 6-8pm

Closing reception: Friday, April 28, 6-8pm

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Art Fair 14C November 11-13th, 2022
to Dec 13

Art Fair 14C November 11-13th, 2022

I will be part of 14C 4th Edition Art Fair with the exciting collective of artists of Spliced Connector. For the first time I will be showing five pieces from an ongoing 2022 project inspired by Art Brut: raw, expressive and tactile created from rough and ready crushed, corrugated, rock, concrete and paint. The intuitive process is powerful, producing a highly eclectic body of work.

Spliced Connector will be booth C15

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to Feb 6

Alternative Processes

Excited to be a part of this exciting exhibition exploring alternative photographic processes.

An exhibition of work by photographers and media artists of all genres who creatively use the Alternative Processes available today.

Curated by Orestes Gonzalez

and Pierre-Yves Linot

Opening Reception:  Sat, Jan 8, 6-9pm

On view: Jan 6 - Feb 6

at Culture Lab LIC

in The Plaxall Gallery

5-25 46th Ave, Queens, NY 11101

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Viva La Memento Mori
to Nov 21

Viva La Memento Mori

Curated by Alexis Mendoza

This exhibition will investigate the many ways in which artists have interpreted human mortality, and how the tradition of the memento mori continues to inspire contemporary artists to this day. By creating a dialogue which investigates the ephemeral nature of life, we can embrace an awareness of impermanence that heightens our appreciation of the present moment. Yet while the symbols present in these types of images relate to the natural world, the unsettling feeling that lingers long after in the mind’s eye marks the true power of art to hint at what lies beyond the grave.

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