Found chunk of concrete balanced on wood pylon made for a great primitive figure.
A sculpture I made baked in a sunny window till it cracked. Broken pieces have a way of finding new homes - if that old favorite hadn’t cracked, I’d never have made this.
Queens Rising
Proud to be a Queens artist in our country’s most diverse city and our city’s most diverse borough, “The World’s Borough” This is borough wide festival so google “Queens Rising” for events, locations, times and more! I will have 5 artworks on display with 7 other artists at Fitzgerald Studio. You are invited.
Using crushed, painted corrugated to build my architecture, these constructions with their deep shadows, sense of space, rough textures and humanistic qualities are my psychic architecture projecting an image creating a metaphor.
Rip it Again
During the pandemic and unemployed I had lots of time to make stuff. Experiment, rip it up, try again, tear it up, try something else. Stuff started to happen and at times the work seemed to make itself. Sports psychologist call this being in the zone, “The zone is simply a mental state of total focus in the present moment. We call this being “immersed” as it indicates you don’t worry about outcomes or are not distracted when you perform. You trust your skills and react without worry, doubt, or fear about results.”
Confronting Demons
“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness…”
August Wilson
This is a contemplation work: complexity, shifting perspectives, shadows and camouflage countered with yellow concrete x 4. Yellow a symbol of joy and energy and 4 representative of wholeness. Forgiveness = freedom = wholeness.
There Is No Script
For this month’s studio sculpture study installation, I couldn’t say it better than this: “Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn. They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, man, there’s no boundary line to art” – Charlie Parker
Mail Art
This layered, collaged and painted puzzle piece is my contribution to “We are all connected” mail art project. The surface is rough and not too refined for an emotive, human quality befitting the project title.
Please support @fairshareartauctions earthquake relief fundraiser. My donation is a contemplative two sided painting “Three” of spiritual symbols. The reverse has Joss paper for remembrance and circle for prayer. All proceeds from my donation will go towards relief. Ends Feb 25th 2023
Rough and Ready Rock
Stop Right There
Two work for July 2022 Flushing Town Hall exhibit
All about the materials.
Ink Nº 8 is all about ink and time. Ink hit the paper and bam - I stopped right there, freezing the moment. No other marks needed. This looks like it was made a few seconds ago
Surfaces Nº 3 started out as a cardboard and yellow box collage but it needed something - a softening modifier. A coat of restraining white paint humanized and unified this piece.
Statement Necklaces
cyanotype and denim wearable feminist art exploring working women’s heritage
Read moreBleeding Rock and Stone
For the past 4 months a series of 3D assemblages and fine art photographs of assemblages have been my focus. The works are influenced by the stark bluntness of Brutalist architecture and an appreciation for the beauty and expressive qualities of the humble materials of rock, corrugated cardboard and concrete. The materials ability to shed identification of original use and take on human characteristics of passion, cruelty, sympathy and love, revealing and appreciating humanity in all its complex, terrifying and beautiful forms is what these works are about. They are the characters in my play.
Year of the Tiger
Year of the Tiger cyanotype print
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